Friday, November 21, 2008


I'll have to admit I was one of the sceptics not wanting to read the Twilight Series written by Stephanie Meyer. I decided 4 days ago I would pick up the first of four books and see what all the hype was about. Can I just say WOW I'm HOOKED! I read the first two books in three days and just picked up the third book this morning at Barnes and Noble. I went with my friend Holly from my ward with her and her mother and sister. I loved the movie so much. I knew from previous books I had read that the movie was going to be a little different than the book itself. It was still amazing though. I am so obsessed with this love story. I feel so stupid but hey it gives me something to be excited about and look forward to. I'm so glad I finally decided to read these books. I think I'm going to have to go see the movie a million more times NOT EXAGGERATING and then by it on DVD and watch a million more time. Anyways, I can't wait to see what happens in the third book. Wish me luck!


Janee said...

How long did you end up waiting in line? Some people said they waited 4 hours!!! My sis bought me a ticket to see it last night but since I've been preggo I'm in bed by like 8 and didn't go :)

I love the books so I hope the movie isn't a disappointment for me...

thewylerfamily said...

I am so happy you are a fan! We are going to see the movie this Sat. night. I can't wait!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!Let us know when we can have your family over for dinner.

Laura Lofgreen said...

I can relate. I'm in love with Edward Cullen, just don't tell Derek. Oh, wait! He already knows.